Star Wars Rebellion Refresher Package 2.0 13
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More than half of the earth's land surface was covered by oceans. This number was dwindling, due to rising sea levels, albeit at a shallower rate than expected. At the present rate of melting of Greenland's ice shelf, the oceans around the world would be just a few feet thick at the lowest point. There were a few other lesser worries, too, that placed pressure on various countries, the most serious being North America's oil reserves.
In his previous life, Tuvix was a bodyguard and assassin for one of the many warlords who fought and battled for the continent's resources. When that man had finally won the war, Tuvix took over as the top assassin in the warlord's employ. Tuvix had launched a number of deadly strikes on New Republic ships and bases in different regions, but the warlord he had been for most of his life had long since retired, and so Tuvix was very busy. With most of his energy spent fighting on behalf of his warlord, and places like Cato Nolar homeworld being revealed, Tuvix paid little mind to his previous life of fighting for people whose concerns were of little importance to him. In fact, the warlord meant more than he did, and so Tuvix paid no attention to it. He was simply in the way of protecting the warlord, and so target practice was the best thing he knew when it came to his life.
Aurra was at war. She was a pacifist. She hadn't chosen to fight. Her only choice was to live in safety, and yet here she was, running for her life to a combat outpost. Who was doing this to her, and why? 7211a4ac4a